الأربعاء، 8 يونيو 2011

quotes about god

quotes about god. God quotes
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  • Desi Unlucky
    09-22 06:37 AM
    I'm pledging that i would get two more members added in a week's time. Would like to see that all the other 5990 members take a similar pledge. There were 3 threads started in the last couple of days "Welcome to new members", "Immigration voice needs your help", "Goal: Bring atleast one new member". I observed that the last posted thread shows up as the first hyperlink on the right side when someone logs into iv.org and was dreaming that either of the above mentioneed threads will be the most active threads. But soon realised and sadened that it is not the case. The current energy levels of the members (but for a handful) are not really encouraging.

    If each one of us are not able to get another member not registered, then i doubt if we could convince the law makers and the govt to make changes to alleviate our misery.

    One thing is for sure it has not been easy getting new members registered. I sent an email to 10 of my friends who are in the same boat as me asking them just to register. Here are the statistics.

    2/10 got registered after reading my mail.
    4/10 got registered after me making phone calls, explaining things, asking them few questions such as do you know what is CIR, do you know u can retain your PD after I140, do you know abt cross chargeabilty, do you know that a group of 4 people started this and now it's 6000...........
    At the end of the conversation they seemed interested in registering and got registered.

    Working on the remaining 4.

    Bottom line it definitely involves some effort. Just do not leave it after sending an email. And also do not limit yourself to getting 1 member, get as many as you can.

    Core group if you endorse this goal then we can make a quick reality check abt our (all the 5990 members) will and resolve and see where we are. (i'm sure u will as this is in line with your current objectives, i'm specifically asking abt the time frame whether it should be a week or 10 days or.....)

    Keep the pledges and registrations coming !!!!!!!

    quotes about god. Gandhi on meeting God middot; Quotes
  • Gandhi on meeting God middot; Quotes

  • apnair2002
    04-06 07:04 AM

    quotes about god. GOD
  • GOD

  • ck_b2001
    08-15 02:48 PM
    Why cant we just sit back and relax. There is nothing we can do after filing and if you have not heard about reciept, check cashed then no big deal. 99% peopel will get reciept without rejection. Have some faith. We will get nothing from calling USCIS, figuring out LUD, speculating who signed our envelop.

    quotes about god. yay, this is why God brought
  • yay, this is why God brought

  • mnq1979
    06-26 09:39 AM
    I jst got an update on my and my wife I-485; i am not sure what it is about as i have not received the RFE yet.....but i think they are asking for our BC as we did not provide them when we applied for I-485;

    I want to know that is it OK if i provide USCIS with the 2 AFFIDEVITS, one for me and one for my wife stating all the information such as Name, Date of Birth, City of Birth, Country of Birth, Mothers Name and Fathers Name.

    Gettign the birth certificate is a very long procedure and i dont think i would have them soon. So i was wondering will it be OK if i provide them with the Affidevits. Will USCIS accept it!!!!

    Lastly, i would appreciate if some one can give me the template that what text should be included in the affedevit !!!!

    Thanks in advance !!!!!


    quotes about god. God Quotes
  • God Quotes

  • ks_ls
    01-14 07:11 AM

    My sister is 33 years of age and appeared for visitor's visa with her 3-year old daughter.

    The visa was denied by the Mumbai consulate. Was asked the following questions:

    1. Why do you want to visit the US? --> Tourism
    2. Who will you travel in the US? --> Brother
    3. Is your husband going with you? -- NO
    4. Husband's salary? ---> upwards of 35 lakhs working with an MNC
    5. How long ? two months
    6. Where will you travel ? ---> DC, NY, Chicago, Disney etc
    7. What's the status of your brother? H1-B
    8. Does he have any children? NO

    Sorry your financial condition is not good..rejected!! Not sure what triggered that comment.

    Now, I am thinking of applying for the visa second time in a month or so. I am not sure why they said your financial condition is not good. Sister tried to show the document but the officer would not look at it.

    The guesswork begins. Next time, I am wondering if I should be the sponsor of her application or show that her husband can sponsor the trip.

    Any advice? Any experiences people have?


    quotes about god. God quotes
  • God quotes

  • meridiani.planum
    06-01 08:01 PM
    I just happened to see a copy of my labor approval. My current salary is less than the salary mentioned in labor approval. Do you know whether it is legally valid?. My salary is as per the LCA for H1.

    its fine. Your salary should match the LCA salary. The LC salary is for 'future job'. the only place it might come into play is if your employer is very small, and there are ability-to-pay issues (here, if your current salary matches LC salary then its easier to say that employer has ability to pay).


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  • pitha
    08-07 09:52 PM
    First USCIS stopped giving name check status over phone, now seems like they have stopped giving name check status in infopass as well. Another thing is these people are too rude. I am not sure sure what we are supposed to do, not even ask what is the status?

    I had my infopass appointment today, it was not worth wasting the 60 seconds. I go up to the IO, this lady is so rude she would just say my case is pending. I asked about name check she says that cannot be discussed due to security reasons. I called up customer service and could get to the second level that was an IO, who confirmed my name check is pending.

    Infopass depends on the IO or you could be in for some sour grapes ....

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  • God Quotesquot; /gt;lt;/agt;lt;pgt;lt;a

  • anilsal
    03-09 05:54 PM
    I had dream last night, part of which I still remember.

    As usual in the evening I went to check my mails and found a mail from USCIS. I opened with surprise , preparing myself mentally , which document would they be requesting now. and.......
    I screamed in excitement , it was my greencard. I was shocked, and now I was thinking what can I do with the greencard, I thought I should change my jobs which I always wanted, as my job sucks, but realizing that after a month I am going to retire so, dropped that idea and then I started thinking what else I wanted to do when I'll get my GC, and told my wife the idea of now buying the house, but she told me that as you are going to retire next month lets go back to india and the savings that we are left with after paying the taxes , social security and immigration attorneys, will buy a 2 bedroom apartment in India only.
    I asked her what about travelling to Europe that you always wanted, but which we never did for the reason, that what if there will be an issue on travelling with AP,but she told me with my blood pressure and and her arthiritis, it won't be possible.

    And then..... I started thinking what I lost in the race to get the GC and what I am left after getting the GC. Sadly threw the GC in the trash and again started browsing the forums on immigrationvoice.org. As after these many years,browsing IV forums became my habit.

    And then the alarm woke me up and as usual I started to get ready to spend another day in Paradise, in the country of DREAMS.

    Quite fun to read.


    quotes about god. quotes on god
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  • Queen Josephine
    January 5th, 2005, 12:06 AM
    Geesh, these are all really nice compositions that lend themselves well to this technique. I think I'd like to see one of the pots in the first pic also colored. Really nice work though on both your parts.

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  • abhishek101
    04-13 03:34 PM
    One of my friends neighbours Aunt who lives in Australia has a cousin in South Africa
    This cousin's sister's uncles' kids' friend got his GC last month, his PD was 2007. He was in EB3.

    I have heard quite a few cases like that,

    like other day I was at Safeway and the counter lady told me that her friend's cousin's son just got the whole process completed in 2 months and that too in EB3.

    I can only say it is just unbelivable that these things still happen in this world. USCIS is just full of bums, we should definitely do some campaign about it.

    But then ignorance is bliss :D


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  • learning01
    05-24 01:44 PM
    Good job.

    Fantastic job Salil. The idea of the poster was simply fabulous.

    Keep it up!


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  • saimrathi
    08-10 03:30 PM

    And please post in the media thread...


    quotes about god. with God, Great Quotes,
  • with God, Great Quotes,

  • justAnotherFile
    07-12 11:00 AM
    .. I think this is an excellent way to carry forward the Gandhigiri campaign.
    We should start a campaign, pick a few congressmen (may be from immigration subcomitee, judiciary comittee etc) and every member of IV should print out this pamphlet and hand sign, data, address and send it to these congressmen.

    We should also send a sample of the letter to news outlets.

    This will help keep this issue in the limelight. Any takers??

    quotes about god. God In Us
  • God In Us

  • ghost
    12-10 02:31 PM
    Just throw away your legal papers. change your name, show your photograph with the statue of liberty and declare yourself illegal in the country for last 5 years. go to school, enjoy a better in-state tuition and get a better job. Green Card Voila!!!!

    Dream act just proves that nothing will be done for hard working non shitizens. Legals should work and wait or leave as they dont have any DREAM. And yes we got a spineless president on that.

    Keep dreaming. DREAM act ain't going anywhere.

    Oye chuck they fatte.

    If DREAM act does not pass then we will not go anywhere for the next 2 years....and how do you intend to prove that you were brought into this country illegally before you turned 16? I guess you'll have to forge your high-school degree? voila...go for it!


    quotes about god. quotes about god and love.
  • quotes about god and love.

  • what_now
    06-03 06:09 PM
    to Phoenix lockbox 4/12. It was sent to CSC. I got my card approved 5/26. Got Card on 6/3.
    My wife case though still pending at CSC.:confused:

    quotes about god. God quotes
  • God quotes

  • dkshitij
    02-07 01:38 PM
    The video can be found at Immigration Policy - C-SPAN Video Library (http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/ImmigrationPolicy19)


    quotes about god. god quotes
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  • skd
    07-08 10:51 PM
    nice job

    quotes about god. quotes on god. quotes about
  • quotes on god. quotes about

  • hianupam
    11-09 08:35 AM
    Texas does not give a damn about any of this.

    Just saw my SSN card, old DL and EAD and gave me a license which expires in 2014.

    Anybody have any recent experience in getting a TX drivers license in Houston while on EAD?
    I currently have a PA driver's license that is about to expire in Dec.

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  • tattoos of sayings and quotes

  • rangaswamy
    10-18 12:32 PM
    Im just wondering.. my check has not been cashed. i was sent more than a month ago.
    My check to IV that is, NOT USCIS

    Can i start a new thread for that :)

    03-30 11:24 PM
    A couple of questions, which could everybody in analysis
    - Did you use EAD ?
    - Did you use AC21 ?


    Thank you all.. I did not use EAD or AC21

    07-17 07:52 PM
    My lawyer sent all documents to uscis and reached uscis on July2nd except my employment letter.Do uscis accept my package and give receipt notice or reject the whole package.Any suggestion please.Thanks

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